2019-01-11 22:16:02 +03:00

255 lines
9.8 KiB

/*! store2 - v2.7.0 - 2018-02-08
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nathan Bubna; Licensed (MIT OR GPL-3.0) */
;(function(window, define) {
var _ = {
version: "2.7.0",
areas: {},
apis: {},
// utilities
inherit: function(api, o) {
for (var p in api) {
if (!o.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
o[p] = api[p];
return o;
stringify: function(d) {
return d === undefined || typeof d === "function" ? d+'' : JSON.stringify(d);
parse: function(s) {
// if it doesn't parse, return as is
try{ return JSON.parse(s); }catch(e){ return s; }
// extension hooks
fn: function(name, fn) {
_.storeAPI[name] = fn;
for (var api in _.apis) {
_.apis[api][name] = fn;
get: function(area, key){ return area.getItem(key); },
set: function(area, key, string){ area.setItem(key, string); },
remove: function(area, key){ area.removeItem(key); },
key: function(area, i){ return area.key(i); },
length: function(area){ return area.length; },
clear: function(area){ area.clear(); },
// core functions
Store: function(id, area, namespace) {
var store = _.inherit(_.storeAPI, function(key, data, overwrite) {
if (arguments.length === 0){ return store.getAll(); }
if (typeof data === "function"){ return store.transact(key, data, overwrite); }// fn=data, alt=overwrite
if (data !== undefined){ return store.set(key, data, overwrite); }
if (typeof key === "string" || typeof key === "number"){ return store.get(key); }
if (!key){ return store.clear(); }
return store.setAll(key, data);// overwrite=data, data=key
store._id = id;
try {
var testKey = '_safariPrivate_';
area.setItem(testKey, 'sucks');
store._area = area;
} catch (e) {}
if (!store._area) {
store._area = _.inherit(_.storageAPI, { items: {}, name: 'fake' });
store._ns = namespace || '';
if (!_.areas[id]) {
_.areas[id] = store._area;
if (!_.apis[store._ns+store._id]) {
_.apis[store._ns+store._id] = store;
return store;
storeAPI: {
// admin functions
area: function(id, area) {
var store = this[id];
if (!store || !store.area) {
store = _.Store(id, area, this._ns);//new area-specific api in this namespace
if (!this[id]){ this[id] = store; }
return store;
namespace: function(namespace, noSession) {
if (!namespace){
return this._ns ? this._ns.substring(0,this._ns.length-1) : '';
var ns = namespace, store = this[ns];
if (!store || !store.namespace) {
store = _.Store(this._id, this._area, this._ns+ns+'.');//new namespaced api
if (!this[ns]){ this[ns] = store; }
if (!noSession){ store.area('session', _.areas.session); }
return store;
isFake: function(){ return === 'fake'; },
toString: function() {
return 'store'+(this._ns?'.'+this.namespace():'')+'['+this._id+']';
// storage functions
has: function(key) {
if (this._area.has) {
return this._area.has(this._in(key));//extension hook
return !!(this._in(key) in this._area);
size: function(){ return this.keys().length; },
each: function(fn, value) {// value is used by keys(fillList) and getAll(fillList))
for (var i=0, m=_.length(this._area); i<m; i++) {
var key = this._out(_.key(this._area, i));
if (key !== undefined) {
if (, key, value || this.get(key)) === false) {
if (m > _.length(this._area)) { m--; i--; }// in case of removeItem
return value || this;
keys: function(fillList) {
return this.each(function(k, list){ list.push(k); }, fillList || []);
get: function(key, alt) {
var s = _.get(this._area, this._in(key));
return s !== null ? _.parse(s) : alt || s;// support alt for easy default mgmt
getAll: function(fillObj) {
return this.each(function(k, all){ all[k] = this.get(k); }, fillObj || {});
transact: function(key, fn, alt) {
var val = this.get(key, alt),
ret = fn(val);
this.set(key, ret === undefined ? val : ret);
return this;
set: function(key, data, overwrite) {
var d = this.get(key);
if (d != null && overwrite === false) {
return data;
return _.set(this._area, this._in(key), _.stringify(data), overwrite) || d;
setAll: function(data, overwrite) {
var changed, val;
for (var key in data) {
val = data[key];
if (this.set(key, val, overwrite) !== val) {
changed = true;
return changed;
add: function(key, data) {
var d = this.get(key);
if (d instanceof Array) {
data = d.concat(data);
} else if (d !== null) {
var type = typeof d;
if (type === typeof data && type === 'object') {
for (var k in data) {
d[k] = data[k];
data = d;
} else {
data = d + data;
_.set(this._area, this._in(key), _.stringify(data));
return data;
remove: function(key) {
var d = this.get(key);
_.remove(this._area, this._in(key));
return d;
clear: function() {
if (!this._ns) {
} else {
this.each(function(k){ _.remove(this._area, this._in(k)); }, 1);
return this;
clearAll: function() {
var area = this._area;
for (var id in _.areas) {
if (_.areas.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
this._area = _.areas[id];
this._area = area;
return this;
// internal use functions
_in: function(k) {
if (typeof k !== "string"){ k = _.stringify(k); }
return this._ns ? this._ns + k : k;
_out: function(k) {
return this._ns ?
k && k.indexOf(this._ns) === 0 ?
k.substring(this._ns.length) :
undefined : // so each() knows to skip it
},// end _.storeAPI
storageAPI: {
length: 0,
has: function(k){ return this.items.hasOwnProperty(k); },
key: function(i) {
var c = 0;
for (var k in this.items){
if (this.has(k) && i === c++) {
return k;
setItem: function(k, v) {
if (!this.has(k)) {
this.items[k] = v;
removeItem: function(k) {
if (this.has(k)) {
delete this.items[k];
getItem: function(k){ return this.has(k) ? this.items[k] : null; },
clear: function(){ for (var k in this.items){ this.removeItem(k); } },
toString: function(){ return this.length+' items in ''Storage'; }
}// end _.storageAPI
var store =
// safely set this up (throws error in IE10/32bit mode for local files)
_.Store("local", (function(){try{ return localStorage; }catch(e){}})());
store.local = store;// for completeness
store._ = _;// for extenders and debuggers...
// safely setup store.session (throws exception in FF for file:/// urls)
store.area("session", (function(){try{ return sessionStorage; }catch(e){}})());
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd !== undefined) {
define('store2', [], function () {
return store;
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = store;
} else {
// expose the primary store fn to the global object and save conflicts
if ({ _.conflict =; } = store;
})(this, this.define);