You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
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import traceback
import sentry_sdk
from django.db import models
from djconfig import config
from telegram import Bot, InputMediaPhoto
from vk_api import VkApi
from import VkAudio
import vkwave
from feeds.models import FeedModuleConfig
from feeds.modules.utils import get_vk_photo, get_vk_audio
from feeds.utils import DatabaseConfig, captcha_handler
class VKFeedModuleConfig(FeedModuleConfig):
owner_id = models.IntegerField()
send_text = models.BooleanField(default=True)
send_links = models.BooleanField(default=True)
def execute(self, bot: Bot, chat_id, last_id):
if last_id is None:
last_id = 0
vk_session = VkApi(login=config.vk_username, password=config.vk_password, config=DatabaseConfig,
api_version='5.131', captcha_handler=captcha_handler)
# vk_audio = VkAudio(vk_session)
vk = vk_session.get_api()
wall_data = vk.wall.get(owner_id=self.owner_id)
for post in reversed(wall_data['items']):
if post['id'] > last_id:
if self.send_text and post['text']:
bot.send_message(chat_id, post['text'])
if 'attachments' in post:
photos = []
for image in filter(lambda a: 'photo' in a, post['attachments']):
url = image['photo']['sizes'][-1]['url']
if url:
photos.append(url.replace('\\', ''))
if len(photos) == 1:
bot.send_photo(chat_id, photos[0])
elif len(photos) > 1:
bot.send_media_group(chat_id, [InputMediaPhoto(photo) for photo in photos])
# for a in post['attachments']:
# if 'audio' in a:
# f = get_vk_audio(vk_audio.get_audio_by_id(a['audio']['owner_id'], a['audio']['id']))
# bot.send_audio(chat_id, f, None, a['audio'].get('artist'), a['audio'].get('title'))
if self.send_links:
bot.send_message(chat_id, f"{post['owner_id']}_{post['id']}",
except Exception as e:
yield post['id']