2019-01-11 22:16:02 +03:00

320 lines
7.5 KiB

* @package Liquid Meter
* @author Okler Themes
* @license Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
* Copyright (c) 2014
* Inspired on dribble shot:
(function($) {
'use strict';
var defaultOptions = {
min: 0,
max: 100,
shape: 'circle',
color: '#82BF41',
background: '#4C4C52',
stroke: '#23282F',
textColor: '#FFFFFF',
fontFamily: 'Open Sans',
fontSize: '24px',
fontWeight: '600',
liquidOpacity: 0.9,
liquidPalette: ['#82BF41'],
speed: 3000,
animate: true
var LiquidMeter = function(el, options) {
if (typeof Snap == 'undefined') {
throw 'Snap.js not found.';
this.meter = $(el);
this.options = options;
this.options.text = this.meter.text();
LiquidMeter.prototype = {
init: function(el, options) {
this.wrapper = this.meter.parent('.liquid-meter');
if ( !this.wrapper.get(0) ) {
var wrapper = $('<div>').attr({ 'class': 'liquid-meter' });
this.wrapper = this.meter.wrap( wrapper ).parent();
var svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg');
svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');
svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 220 220');
this.svg = $(svg).attr({
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
this.frames = [
[6, -6, -10, 6, 13, -10], // 1
[6, -5, -13, 4, 31, -5], // 2
[7, -5, -9, 0, 31, -5], // 3
[7, -5, -9, -6, 30, -6], // 4
[6, -10, -10, -10, 33, -4], // 5
[8, -4, -8, -13, 38, 7], // 6
[8, -8, -5, -15, 55, 11], // 7
[7, -19, -2, -16, 33, 16], // 8
[3, -23, -2, -16, 42, 21], // 9
[3, -22, 7, -18, 27, 21], // 10
[2, -26, 15, -18, 25, 20] , // 11
[-3, -23, 18, -18, 26, 19] , // 12
[-6, -40, 18, -18, 22, 22] , // 13
[-15, -16, 23, -13, 37, 22], // 14
[-15, -16, 23, -13, 37, 22], // 15
[-17, -16, 23, -10, 33, 22], // 16
[-18, -16, 23, -10, 35, 21], // 17
[-20, -12, 23, -5, 34, 20], // 18
[-22, -13, 20, -1, 35, 22], // 19
[-22, -13, 20, 5, 32, 21], // 20
[-21, -16, 19, 8, 34, 15], // 21
[-23, -16, 16, 10, 36, 9], // 22
[-22, -23, 13, 10, 48, 0], // 23
[-23, -20, 13, 8, 45, -6], // 24
[-20, -22, 7, 10, 44, -6], // 25
[-20, -22, 5, 10, 42, -7], // 26
[-18, -20, 0, 10, 41, -8], // 27
[-15, -22, -7, 10, 41, -8], // 28
[-11, -33, -8, 10, 41, -8], // 29
[-7, -36, -6, 10, 15, -11], // 30
[0, -39, -8, 10, 15, -11], // 31
[0, -36, -8, 7, 15, -11], // 32
this.paper = Snap(svg);
if ( this.options.animate ) {
} else {
this.wrapper.addClass( 'liquid-meter-loaded' );
return this;
draw: function() {
this.min = parseInt(this.meter.attr('min'), 10);
this.max = parseInt(this.meter.attr('max'), 10);
this.value = parseInt(this.meter.val() || this.meter.attr('value'), 10);
var paper = this.paper;
this.recipient =, 110, 95);
var background = this.makeGradient(this.options.background);
fill: background,
stroke: this.options.stroke,
strokeWidth: 15
var mask =, 110, 87);
fill: '#FFFFFF'
this.liquid = paper.path();
id: 'front',
fill: this.options.color,
mask: mask,
stroke: lighten(this.options.color, 20),
strokeWidth: 1
this.label = paper.text('50%', '50%', [this.value, '%']);
fill: this.options.textColor,
dy: '.4em',
'font-family': this.options.fontFamily,
'font-size': this.options.fontSize,
'font-weight': this.options.fontWeight,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
stroke: this.options.textColor
'font-size': '24',
stroke: 'none'
return this;
observe: function() {
var _self = this;
this.meter.on('change', function() {
_self.set( $(this).val() );
set: function( val ) {
var value = parseInt( val, 10 );
this.meter.val( value );
this.value = value;
this.label.node.textContent = value + '%';
liquidPalette: function( val ) {
this.options.liquidPalette = val;
background: function( val ) {
this.options.background = val;
stroke: function( val ) {
this.options.stroke = val;
color: function( val ) {
this.options.color = val;
fill: this.options.color,
stroke: lighten(this.options.color, 20)
makeGradient: function(color) {
return this.paper.gradient(Snap.format('L(0, 0, 100, 100){}-{color.bottom}', {
color: {
top: lighten(color, 6),
bottom: color
makePath: function(value, t1, x1, y1, t2, x2, y2) {
var top = ((100 - ((value*100)/this.max)) * 1.76) + 22;
return Snap.format('M0,{left} C{curve.x1},{curve.y1} {curve.x2},{curve.y2} 220,{right} L220,220 L0,220 z', {
left: top - (t1 || 0),
right: top - (t2 || 0),
curve: {
x1: x1 + top,
y1: y1 + top,
x2: x2 + top,
y2: y2 + top
drawFrame: function(number) {
var frame = this.frames[number - 1],
t1 = frame[0],
x1 = frame[1],
y1 = frame[2],
t2 = frame[3],
x2 = frame[4],
y2 = frame[5];
this.liquid.attr({ d: this.makePath( this.value, t1, x1, y1, t2, x2, y2 )});
animate: function() {
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 0);
frames = this.frames.length,
interval = this.options.speed / frames,
currentFrame = 1,
drawFrame = this.drawFrame.bind(this);
function loop() {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
setTimeout(loop, interval);
function draw() {
if (currentFrame >= frames) {
currentFrame = 1;
return this;
* liquidMeter jQuery plugin - public method
* @param - {Object} options - Passed options extending defaultOptions
* @return - {Selector} - Array of elements
$.fn.liquidMeter = function(options, value) {
var isSetter = (typeof options === 'string' && !!value);
if ( !isSetter ) {
options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
return () {
// preventing against multiple instantiations
var instance = $(this).data('liquid-meter');
if (!instance) {
instance = new LiquidMeter(this, options);
$(this).data('liquid-meter', instance);
if ( isSetter ) {
instance[ options ]( value );
return instance;
* Util function for lightening the colour with a %
* @param - string - colour with leading #
* @param - number - percentage to lighten by
function lighten(color, percent) {
var n = parseInt(color.slice(1), 16),
a = Math.round(2.55 * percent || 0),
// Bitshift 16 bits to the left
r = (n >> 16) + a,
// Bitshift 8 bits to the left based on blue
b = (n >> 8 & 0x00FF) + a,
g = (n & 0x0000FF) + a;
// Calculate
return '#' + (
0x1000000 + (r < 255 ? r < 1 ? 0 : r : 255) * 0x10000 +
(b < 255 ? b < 1 ? 0 : b : 255) * 0x100 + (g < 255 ? g < 1 ? 0 : g : 255)