/*! * Elusive Icons 2.0.0 by @ReduxFramework - http://elusiveicons.com - @reduxframework * License - http://elusiveicons.com/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) */ /* FONT PATH * -------------------------- */ @font-face { font-family: 'Elusive-Icons'; src: url('../fonts/elusiveicons-webfont.eot%3Fv=2.0.0'); src: url('../fonts/elusiveicons-webfont.eot%3F') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/elusiveicons-webfont.woff%3Fv=2.0.0') format('woff'), url('../fonts/elusiveicons-webfont.ttf%3Fv=2.0.0') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/elusiveicons-webfont.svg%3Fv=2.0.0') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } .el { display: inline-block; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 'Elusive-Icons'; font-size: inherit; text-rendering: auto; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; transform: translate(0, 0); } /* makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */ .el-lg { font-size: 1.33333333em; line-height: 0.75em; vertical-align: -15%; } .el-2x { font-size: 2em; } .el-3x { font-size: 3em; } .el-4x { font-size: 4em; } .el-5x { font-size: 5em; } .el-fw { width: 1.28571429em; text-align: center; } .el-ul { padding-left: 0; margin-left: 2.14285714em; list-style-type: none; } .el-ul > li { position: relative; } .el-li { position: absolute; left: -2.14285714em; width: 2.14285714em; top: 0.14285714em; text-align: center; } .el-li.el-lg { left: -1.85714286em; } .el-border { padding: .2em .25em .15em; border: solid 0.08em #eeeeee; border-radius: .1em; } .pull-right { float: right; } .pull-left { float: left; } .el.pull-left { margin-right: .3em; } .el.pull-right { margin-left: .3em; } .el-spin { -webkit-animation: el-spin 2s infinite linear; animation: el-spin 2s infinite linear; } .el-pulse { -webkit-animation: el-spin 1s infinite steps(8); animation: el-spin 1s infinite steps(8); } @-webkit-keyframes el-spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); transform: rotate(359deg); } } @keyframes el-spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); transform: rotate(359deg); } } .el-rotate-90 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); } .el-rotate-180 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg); } .el-rotate-270 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); transform: rotate(270deg); } .el-flip-horizontal { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); transform: scale(-1, 1); } .el-flip-vertical { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1); -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1); -ms-transform: scale(1, -1); transform: scale(1, -1); } :root .el-rotate-90, :root .el-rotate-180, :root .el-rotate-270, :root .el-flip-horizontal, :root .el-flip-vertical { filter: none; } .el-stack { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 2em; height: 2em; line-height: 2em; vertical-align: middle; } .el-stack-1x, .el-stack-2x { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .el-stack-1x { line-height: inherit; } .el-stack-2x { font-size: 2em; } .el-inverse { color: #ffffff; } /* Elusive Icons uses the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) to ensure screen readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */ .el-address-book-alt:before { content: "\f101"; } .el-address-book:before { content: "\f102"; } .el-adjust-alt:before { content: "\f103"; } .el-adjust:before { content: "\f104"; } .el-adult:before { content: "\f105"; } .el-align-center:before { content: "\f106"; } .el-align-justify:before { content: "\f107"; } .el-align-left:before { content: "\f108"; } .el-align-right:before { content: "\f109"; } .el-arrow-down:before { content: "\f10a"; } .el-arrow-left:before { content: "\f10b"; } .el-arrow-right:before { content: "\f10c"; } .el-arrow-up:before { content: "\f10d"; } .el-asl:before { content: "\f10e"; } .el-asterisk:before { content: "\f10f"; } .el-backward:before { content: "\f110"; } .el-ban-circle:before { content: "\f111"; } .el-barcode:before { content: "\f112"; } .el-behance:before { content: "\f113"; } .el-bell:before { content: "\f114"; } .el-blind:before { content: "\f115"; } .el-blogger:before { content: "\f116"; } .el-bold:before { content: "\f117"; } .el-book:before { content: "\f118"; } .el-bookmark-empty:before { content: "\f119"; } .el-bookmark:before { content: "\f11a"; } .el-braille:before { content: "\f11b"; } .el-briefcase:before { content: "\f11c"; } .el-broom:before { content: "\f11d"; } .el-brush:before { content: "\f11e"; } .el-bulb:before { content: "\f11f"; } .el-bullhorn:before { content: "\f120"; } .el-calendar-sign:before { content: "\f121"; } .el-calendar:before { content: "\f122"; } .el-camera:before { content: "\f123"; } .el-car:before { content: "\f124"; } .el-caret-down:before { content: "\f125"; } .el-caret-left:before { content: "\f126"; } .el-caret-right:before { content: "\f127"; } .el-caret-up:before { content: "\f128"; } .el-cc:before { content: "\f129"; } .el-certificate:before { content: "\f12a"; } .el-check-empty:before { content: "\f12b"; } .el-check:before { content: "\f12c"; } .el-chevron-down:before { content: "\f12d"; } .el-chevron-left:before { content: "\f12e"; } .el-chevron-right:before { content: "\f12f"; } .el-chevron-up:before { content: "\f130"; } .el-child:before { content: "\f131"; } .el-circle-arrow-down:before { content: "\f132"; } .el-circle-arrow-left:before { content: "\f133"; } .el-circle-arrow-right:before { content: "\f134"; } .el-circle-arrow-up:before { content: "\f135"; } .el-cloud-alt:before { content: "\f136"; } .el-cloud:before { content: "\f137"; } .el-cog-alt:before { content: "\f138"; } .el-cog:before { content: "\f139"; } .el-cogs:before { content: "\f13a"; } .el-comment-alt:before { content: "\f13b"; } .el-comment:before { content: "\f13c"; } .el-compass-alt:before { content: "\f13d"; } .el-compass:before { content: "\f13e"; } .el-credit-card:before { content: "\f13f"; } .el-css:before { content: "\f140"; } .el-dashboard:before { content: "\f141"; } .el-delicious:before { content: "\f142"; } .el-deviantart:before { content: "\f143"; } .el-digg:before { content: "\f144"; } .el-download-alt:before { content: "\f145"; } .el-download:before { content: "\f146"; } .el-dribbble:before { content: "\f147"; } .el-edit:before { content: "\f148"; } .el-eject:before { content: "\f149"; } .el-envelope-alt:before { content: "\f14a"; } .el-envelope:before { content: "\f14b"; } .el-error-alt:before { content: "\f14c"; } .el-error:before { content: "\f14d"; } .el-eur:before { content: "\f14e"; } .el-exclamation-sign:before { content: "\f14f"; } .el-eye-close:before { content: "\f150"; } .el-eye-open:before { content: "\f151"; } .el-facebook:before { content: "\f152"; } .el-facetime-video:before { content: "\f153"; } .el-fast-backward:before { content: "\f154"; } .el-fast-forward:before { content: "\f155"; } .el-female:before { content: "\f156"; } .el-file-alt:before { content: "\f157"; } .el-file-edit-alt:before { content: "\f158"; } .el-file-edit:before { content: "\f159"; } .el-file-new-alt:before { content: "\f15a"; } .el-file-new:before { content: "\f15b"; } .el-file:before { content: "\f15c"; } .el-film:before { content: "\f15d"; } .el-filter:before { content: "\f15e"; } .el-fire:before { content: "\f15f"; } .el-flag-alt:before { content: "\f160"; } .el-flag:before { content: "\f161"; } .el-flickr:before { content: "\f162"; } .el-folder-close:before { content: "\f163"; } .el-folder-open:before { content: "\f164"; } .el-folder-sign:before { content: "\f165"; } .el-folder:before { content: "\f166"; } .el-font:before { content: "\f167"; } .el-fontsize:before { content: "\f168"; } .el-fork:before { content: "\f169"; } .el-forward-alt:before { content: "\f16a"; } .el-forward:before { content: "\f16b"; } .el-foursquare:before { content: "\f16c"; } .el-friendfeed-rect:before { content: "\f16d"; } .el-friendfeed:before { content: "\f16e"; } .el-fullscreen:before { content: "\f16f"; } .el-gbp:before { content: "\f170"; } .el-gift:before { content: "\f171"; } .el-github-text:before { content: "\f172"; } .el-github:before { content: "\f173"; } .el-glass:before { content: "\f174"; } .el-glasses:before { content: "\f175"; } .el-globe-alt:before { content: "\f176"; } .el-globe:before { content: "\f177"; } .el-googleplus:before { content: "\f178"; } .el-graph-alt:before { content: "\f179"; } .el-graph:before { content: "\f17a"; } .el-group-alt:before { content: "\f17b"; } .el-group:before { content: "\f17c"; } .el-guidedog:before { content: "\f17d"; } .el-hand-down:before { content: "\f17e"; } .el-hand-left:before { content: "\f17f"; } .el-hand-right:before { content: "\f180"; } .el-hand-up:before { content: "\f181"; } .el-hdd:before { content: "\f182"; } .el-headphones:before { content: "\f183"; } .el-hearing-impaired:before { content: "\f184"; } .el-heart-alt:before { content: "\f185"; } .el-heart-empty:before { content: "\f186"; } .el-heart:before { content: "\f187"; } .el-home-alt:before { content: "\f188"; } .el-home:before { content: "\f189"; } .el-hourglass:before { content: "\f18a"; } .el-idea-alt:before { content: "\f18b"; } .el-idea:before { content: "\f18c"; } .el-inbox-alt:before { content: "\f18d"; } .el-inbox-box:before { content: "\f18e"; } .el-inbox:before { content: "\f18f"; } .el-indent-left:before { content: "\f190"; } .el-indent-right:before { content: "\f191"; } .el-info-circle:before { content: "\f192"; } .el-instagram:before { content: "\f193"; } .el-iphone-home:before { content: "\f194"; } .el-italic:before { content: "\f195"; } .el-key:before { content: "\f196"; } .el-laptop-alt:before { content: "\f197"; } .el-laptop:before { content: "\f198"; } .el-lastfm:before { content: "\f199"; } .el-leaf:before { content: "\f19a"; } .el-lines:before { content: "\f19b"; } .el-link:before { content: "\f19c"; } .el-linkedin:before { content: "\f19d"; } .el-list-alt:before { content: "\f19e"; } .el-list:before { content: "\f19f"; } .el-livejournal:before { content: "\f1a0"; } .el-lock-alt:before { content: "\f1a1"; } .el-lock:before { content: "\f1a2"; } .el-magic:before { content: "\f1a3"; } .el-magnet:before { content: "\f1a4"; } .el-male:before { content: "\f1a5"; } .el-map-marker-alt:before { content: "\f1a6"; } .el-map-marker:before { content: "\f1a7"; } .el-mic-alt:before { content: "\f1a8"; } .el-mic:before { content: "\f1a9"; } .el-minus-sign:before { content: "\f1aa"; } .el-minus:before { content: "\f1ab"; } .el-move:before { content: "\f1ac"; } .el-music:before { content: "\f1ad"; } .el-myspace:before { content: "\f1ae"; } .el-network:before { content: "\f1af"; } .el-off:before { content: "\f1b0"; } .el-ok-circle:before { content: "\f1b1"; } .el-ok-sign:before { content: "\f1b2"; } .el-ok:before { content: "\f1b3"; } .el-opensource:before { content: "\f1b4"; } .el-paper-clip-alt:before { content: "\f1b5"; } .el-paper-clip:before { content: "\f1b6"; } .el-path:before { content: "\f1b7"; } .el-pause-alt:before { content: "\f1b8"; } .el-pause:before { content: "\f1b9"; } .el-pencil-alt:before { content: "\f1ba"; } .el-pencil:before { content: "\f1bb"; } .el-person:before { content: "\f1bc"; } .el-phone-alt:before { content: "\f1bd"; } .el-phone:before { content: "\f1be"; } .el-photo-alt:before { content: "\f1bf"; } .el-photo:before { content: "\f1c0"; } .el-picasa:before { content: "\f1c1"; } .el-picture:before { content: "\f1c2"; } .el-pinterest:before { content: "\f1c3"; } .el-plane:before { content: "\f1c4"; } .el-play-alt:before { content: "\f1c5"; } .el-play-circle:before { content: "\f1c6"; } .el-play:before { content: "\f1c7"; } .el-plurk-alt:before { content: "\f1c8"; } .el-plurk:before { content: "\f1c9"; } .el-plus-sign:before { content: "\f1ca"; } .el-plus:before { content: "\f1cb"; } .el-podcast:before { content: "\f1cc"; } .el-print:before { content: "\f1cd"; } .el-puzzle:before { content: "\f1ce"; } .el-qrcode:before { content: "\f1cf"; } .el-question-sign:before { content: "\f1d0"; } .el-question:before { content: "\f1d1"; } .el-quote-alt:before { content: "\f1d2"; } .el-quote-right-alt:before { content: "\f1d3"; } .el-quote-right:before { content: "\f1d4"; } .el-quotes:before { content: "\f1d5"; } .el-random:before { content: "\f1d6"; } .el-record:before { content: "\f1d7"; } .el-reddit:before { content: "\f1d8"; } .el-redux:before { content: "\f1d9"; } .el-refresh:before { content: "\f1da"; } .el-remove-circle:before { content: "\f1db"; } .el-remove-sign:before { content: "\f1dc"; } .el-remove:before { content: "\f1dd"; } .el-repeat-alt:before { content: "\f1de"; } .el-repeat:before { content: "\f1df"; } .el-resize-full:before { content: "\f1e0"; } .el-resize-horizontal:before { content: "\f1e1"; } .el-resize-small:before { content: "\f1e2"; } .el-resize-vertical:before { content: "\f1e3"; } .el-return-key:before { content: "\f1e4"; } .el-retweet:before { content: "\f1e5"; } .el-reverse-alt:before { content: "\f1e6"; } .el-road:before { content: "\f1e7"; } .el-rss:before { content: "\f1e8"; } .el-scissors:before { content: "\f1e9"; } .el-screen-alt:before { content: "\f1ea"; } .el-screen:before { content: "\f1eb"; } .el-screenshot:before { content: "\f1ec"; } .el-search-alt:before { content: "\f1ed"; } .el-search:before { content: "\f1ee"; } .el-share-alt:before { content: "\f1ef"; } .el-share:before { content: "\f1f0"; } .el-shopping-cart-sign:before { content: "\f1f1"; } .el-shopping-cart:before { content: "\f1f2"; } .el-signal:before { content: "\f1f3"; } .el-skype:before { content: "\f1f4"; } .el-slideshare:before { content: "\f1f5"; } .el-smiley-alt:before { content: "\f1f6"; } .el-smiley:before { content: "\f1f7"; } .el-soundcloud:before { content: "\f1f8"; } .el-speaker:before { content: "\f1f9"; } .el-spotify:before { content: "\f1fa"; } .el-stackoverflow:before { content: "\f1fb"; } .el-star-alt:before { content: "\f1fc"; } .el-star-empty:before { content: "\f1fd"; } .el-star:before { content: "\f1fe"; } .el-step-backward:before { content: "\f1ff"; } .el-step-forward:before { content: "\f200"; } .el-stop-alt:before { content: "\f201"; } .el-stop:before { content: "\f202"; } .el-stumbleupon:before { content: "\f203"; } .el-tag:before { content: "\f204"; } .el-tags:before { content: "\f205"; } .el-tasks:before { content: "\f206"; } .el-text-height:before { content: "\f207"; } .el-text-width:before { content: "\f208"; } .el-th-large:before { content: "\f209"; } .el-th-list:before { content: "\f20a"; } .el-th:before { content: "\f20b"; } .el-thumbs-down:before { content: "\f20c"; } .el-thumbs-up:before { content: "\f20d"; } .el-time-alt:before { content: "\f20e"; } .el-time:before { content: "\f20f"; } .el-tint:before { content: "\f210"; } .el-torso:before { content: "\f211"; } .el-trash-alt:before { content: "\f212"; } .el-trash:before { content: "\f213"; } .el-tumblr:before { content: "\f214"; } .el-twitter:before { content: "\f215"; } .el-universal-access:before { content: "\f216"; } .el-unlock-alt:before { content: "\f217"; } .el-unlock:before { content: "\f218"; } .el-upload:before { content: "\f219"; } .el-usd:before { content: "\f21a"; } .el-user:before { content: "\f21b"; } .el-viadeo:before { content: "\f21c"; } .el-video-alt:before { content: "\f21d"; } .el-video-chat:before { content: "\f21e"; } .el-video:before { content: "\f21f"; } .el-view-mode:before { content: "\f220"; } .el-vimeo:before { content: "\f221"; } .el-vkontakte:before { content: "\f222"; } .el-volume-down:before { content: "\f223"; } .el-volume-off:before { content: "\f224"; } .el-volume-up:before { content: "\f225"; } .el-w3c:before { content: "\f226"; } .el-warning-sign:before { content: "\f227"; } .el-website-alt:before { content: "\f228"; } .el-website:before { content: "\f229"; } .el-wheelchair:before { content: "\f22a"; } .el-wordpress:before { content: "\f22b"; } .el-wrench-alt:before { content: "\f22c"; } .el-wrench:before { content: "\f22d"; } .el-youtube:before { content: "\f22e"; } .el-zoom-in:before { content: "\f22f"; } .el-zoom-out:before { content: "\f230"; }