/* Name: Theme Base Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Theme Version: 2.1.1 */ window.theme = {}; // Theme Common Functions window.theme.fn = { getOptions: function(opts) { if (typeof(opts) == 'object') { return opts; } else if (typeof(opts) == 'string') { try { return JSON.parse(opts.replace(/'/g,'"').replace(';','')); } catch(e) { return {}; } } else { return {}; } } }; // Animate (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__animate'; var PluginAnimate = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginAnimate.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -150, delay: 1, duration: '1s' }; PluginAnimate.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginAnimate.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, delay = 0, duration = '1s', elTopDistance = $el.offset().top, windowTopDistance = $(window).scrollTop(); $(document).ready(function(){ $el.addClass('appear-animation animated'); if (!$('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions') && $(window).width() > 767 && elTopDistance > windowTopDistance) { $el.appear(function() { $el.one('animation:show', function(ev) { delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay); duration = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-duration') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-duration') : self.options.duration); if (duration != '1s') { $el.css('animation-duration', duration); } setTimeout(function() { $el.addClass($el.attr('data-appear-animation') + ' appear-animation-visible'); }, delay); }); $el.trigger('animation:show'); }, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }); } else { $el.addClass('appear-animation-visible'); } }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginAnimate: PluginAnimate }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginAnimate = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginAnimate($this, opts); } }); }; }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Bootstrap Toggle (function($) { 'use strict'; var $window = $( window ); var toggleClass = function( $el ) { if ( !!$el.data('toggleClassBinded') ) { return false; } var $target, className, eventName; $target = $( $el.attr('data-target') ); className = $el.attr('data-toggle-class'); eventName = $el.attr('data-fire-event'); $el.on('click.toggleClass', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $target.toggleClass( className ); var hasClass = $target.hasClass( className ); if ( !!eventName ) { $window.trigger( eventName, { added: hasClass, removed: !hasClass }); } }); $el.data('toggleClassBinded', true); return true; }; $(function() { $('[data-toggle-class][data-target]').each(function() { toggleClass( $(this) ); }); }); }).apply(this, [jQuery]); // Cards (function($) { $(function() { $('.card') .on( 'card:toggle', function() { var $this, direction; $this = $(this); direction = $this.hasClass( 'card-collapsed' ) ? 'Down' : 'Up'; $this.find('.card-body, .card-footer')[ 'slide' + direction ]( 200, function() { $this[ (direction === 'Up' ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Class' ]( 'card-collapsed' ) }); }) .on( 'card:dismiss', function() { var $this = $(this); if ( !!( $this.parent('div').attr('class') || '' ).match( /col-(xs|sm|md|lg)/g ) && $this.siblings().length === 0 ) { $row = $this.closest('.row'); $this.parent('div').remove(); if ( $row.children().length === 0 ) { $row.remove(); } } else { $this.remove(); } }) .on( 'click', '[data-card-toggle]', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.card').trigger( 'card:toggle' ); }) .on( 'click', '[data-card-dismiss]', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.card').trigger( 'card:dismiss' ); }) /* Deprecated */ .on( 'click', '.card-actions a.fa-caret-up', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); $this .removeClass( 'fa-caret-up' ) .addClass( 'fa-caret-down' ); $this.closest('.card').trigger( 'card:toggle' ); }) .on( 'click', '.card-actions a.fa-caret-down', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); $this .removeClass( 'fa-caret-down' ) .addClass( 'fa-caret-up' ); $this.closest('.card').trigger( 'card:toggle' ); }) .on( 'click', '.card-actions a.fa-times', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); $this.closest('.card').trigger( 'card:dismiss' ); }); }); })(jQuery); // Carousel (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; var instanceName = '__carousel'; var PluginCarousel = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginCarousel.defaults = { navText: [] }; PluginCarousel.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCarousel.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { this.options.wrapper.owlCarousel(this.options).addClass("owl-carousel-init"); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCarousel: PluginCarousel }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCarousel = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCarousel($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Chart Circular (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__chartCircular'; var PluginChartCircular = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginChartCircular.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -150, delay: 1, barColor: '#0088CC', trackColor: '#f2f2f2', scaleColor: false, scaleLength: 5, lineCap: 'round', lineWidth: 13, size: 175, rotate: 0, animate: ({ duration: 2500, enabled: true }) }; PluginChartCircular.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginChartCircular.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, value = ($el.attr('data-percent') ? $el.attr('data-percent') : 0), percentEl = $el.find('.percent'), shouldAnimate, data; shouldAnimate = $.isFunction($.fn[ 'appear' ]) && ( typeof $.browser !== 'undefined' && !$.browser.mobile ); data = { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }; $.extend(true, self.options, { onStep: function(from, to, currentValue) { percentEl.html(parseInt(currentValue)); } }); $el.attr('data-percent', (shouldAnimate ? 0 : value) ); $el.easyPieChart( this.options ); if ( shouldAnimate ) { $el.appear(function() { setTimeout(function() { $el.data('easyPieChart').update(value); $el.attr('data-percent', value); }, self.options.delay); }, data); } else { $el.data('easyPieChart').update(value); $el.attr('data-percent', value); } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(true, theme, { Chart: { PluginChartCircular: PluginChartCircular } }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginChartCircular = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginChartCircular($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Codemirror (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__codemirror'; var PluginCodeMirror = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginCodeMirror.defaults = { lineNumbers: true, styleActiveLine: true, matchBrackets: true, theme: 'monokai' }; PluginCodeMirror.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginCodeMirror.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { CodeMirror.fromTextArea( this.$el.get(0), this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCodeMirror: PluginCodeMirror }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCodeMirror = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCodeMirror($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Colorpicker (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__colorpicker'; var PluginColorPicker = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginColorPicker.defaults = { }; PluginColorPicker.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginColorPicker.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.colorpicker( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginColorPicker: PluginColorPicker }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginColorPicker = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginColorPicker($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Data Tables - Config (function($) { 'use strict'; // we overwrite initialize of all datatables here // because we want to use select2, give search input a bootstrap look // keep in mind if you overwrite this fnInitComplete somewhere, // you should run the code inside this function to keep functionality. // // there's no better way to do this at this time :( if ( $.isFunction( $.fn[ 'dataTable' ] ) ) { $.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, { oLanguage: { sLengthMenu: '_MENU_ records per page', sProcessing: ' Loading', sSearch: '' }, fnInitComplete: function( settings, json ) { // select 2 if ( $.isFunction( $.fn[ 'select2' ] ) ) { $('.dataTables_length select', settings.nTableWrapper).select2({ theme: 'bootstrap', minimumResultsForSearch: -1 }); } var options = $( 'table', settings.nTableWrapper ).data( 'plugin-options' ) || {}; // search var $search = $('.dataTables_filter input', settings.nTableWrapper); $search .attr({ placeholder: typeof options.searchPlaceholder !== 'undefined' ? options.searchPlaceholder : 'Search...' }) .removeClass('form-control-sm').addClass('form-control pull-right'); if ( $.isFunction( $.fn.placeholder ) ) { $search.placeholder(); } } }); } }).apply(this, [jQuery]); // Datepicker (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__datepicker'; var PluginDatePicker = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginDatePicker.defaults = { }; PluginDatePicker.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setVars() .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setVars: function() { this.skin = this.$el.data( 'plugin-skin' ); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginDatePicker.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.bootstrapDP( this.options ); if ( !!this.skin && typeof(this.$el.data('datepicker').picker) != 'undefined') { this.$el.data('datepicker').picker.addClass( 'datepicker-' + this.skin ); } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginDatePicker: PluginDatePicker }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginDatePicker = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginDatePicker($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Header Menu Nav (function(theme, $) { 'use strict'; theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { Nav: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#mainNav'), scrollDelay: 600, scrollAnimation: 'easeOutQuad' }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { // this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $html = $('html'), $header = $('.header'), thumbInfoPreview; // Add Arrows $header.find('.dropdown-toggle:not(.notification-icon), .dropdown-submenu > a').append($('').addClass('fas fa-caret-down')); // Preview Thumbs self.$wrapper.find('a[data-thumb-preview]').each(function() { thumbInfoPreview = $('').addClass('thumb-info thumb-info-preview') .append($('').addClass('thumb-info-wrapper') .append($('').addClass('thumb-info-image').css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).data('thumb-preview') + ')') ) ); $(this).append(thumbInfoPreview); }); // Side Header Right (Reverse Dropdown) if($html.hasClass('side-header-right')) { $header.find('.dropdown').addClass('dropdown-reverse'); } return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, $header = $('.header'), $window = $(window); $header.find('a[href="#"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // Mobile Arrows $header.find('.dropdown-toggle[href="#"], .dropdown-submenu a[href="#"], .dropdown-toggle[href!="#"] .fa-caret-down, .dropdown-submenu a[href!="#"] .fa-caret-down').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($window.width() < 992) { $(this).closest('li').toggleClass('showed'); } }); // Touch Devices with normal resolutions if('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $header.find('.dropdown-toggle:not([href="#"]), .dropdown-submenu > a:not([href="#"])') .on('touchstart click', function(e) { if($window.width() > 991) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if(e.handled !== true) { var li = $(this).closest('li'); if(li.hasClass('tapped')) { location.href = $(this).attr('href'); } li.addClass('tapped'); e.handled = true; } else { return false; } return false; } }) .on('blur', function(e) { $(this).closest('li').removeClass('tapped'); }); } // Collapse Nav $header.find('[data-collapse-nav]').on('click', function(e) { $(this).parents('.collapse').removeClass('in'); }); // Anchors Position $('[data-hash]').each(function() { var target = $(this).attr('href'), offset = ($(this).is("[data-hash-offset]") ? $(this).data('hash-offset') : 0); if($(target).get(0)) { $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Close Collapse if Opened $(this).parents('.collapse.in').removeClass('in'); self.scrollToTarget(target, offset); return; }); } }); return this; }, scrollToTarget: function(target, offset) { var self = this; $('body').addClass('scrolling'); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top - offset }, self.options.scrollDelay, self.options.scrollAnimation, function() { $('body').removeClass('scrolling'); }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // iosSwitcher (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__IOS7Switch'; var PluginIOS7Switch = function($el) { return this.initialize($el); }; PluginIOS7Switch.prototype = { initialize: function($el) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, build: function() { var switcher = new Switch( this.$el.get(0) ); $( switcher.el ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); switcher.toggle(); }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginIOS7Switch: PluginIOS7Switch }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginIOS7Switch = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginIOS7Switch($this); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Form to Object (function($) { 'use strict'; $.fn.formToObject = function() { var arrayData, objectData; arrayData = this.serializeArray(); objectData = {}; $.each( arrayData, function() { var value; if (this.value != null) { value = this.value; } else { value = ''; } if (objectData[this.name] != null) { if (!objectData[this.name].push) { objectData[this.name] = [objectData[this.name]]; } objectData[this.name].push(value); } else { objectData[this.name] = value; } }); return objectData; }; })(jQuery); // Lightbox (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__lightbox'; var PluginLightbox = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginLightbox.defaults = { tClose: 'Close (Esc)', // Alt text on close button tLoading: 'Loading...', // Text that is displayed during loading. Can contain %curr% and %total% keys gallery: { tPrev: 'Previous (Left arrow key)', // Alt text on left arrow tNext: 'Next (Right arrow key)', // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: '%curr% of %total%' // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, image: { tError: 'The image could not be loaded.' // Error message when image could not be loaded }, ajax: { tError: 'The content could not be loaded.' // Error message when ajax request failed } }; PluginLightbox.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLightbox.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { this.options.wrapper.magnificPopup(this.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginLightbox: PluginLightbox }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginLightbox = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginLightbox($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Loading Overlay (function(theme, $) { 'use strict'; theme = theme || {}; var loadingOverlayTemplate = [ '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); var LoadingOverlay = function( $wrapper, options ) { return this.initialize( $wrapper, options ); }; LoadingOverlay.prototype = { options: { css: {} }, initialize: function( $wrapper, options ) { this.$wrapper = $wrapper; this .setVars() .setOptions( options ) .build() .events(); this.$wrapper.data( 'loadingOverlay', this ); }, setVars: function() { this.$overlay = this.$wrapper.find('.loading-overlay'); return this; }, setOptions: function( options ) { if ( !this.$overlay.get(0) ) { this.matchProperties(); } this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options ); this.loaderClass = this.getLoaderClass( this.options.css.backgroundColor ); return this; }, build: function() { if ( !this.$overlay.closest(document.documentElement).get(0) ) { if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$overlay = $( loadingOverlayTemplate ).clone(); if ( this.options.css ) { this.$overlay.css( this.options.css ); this.$overlay.find( '.loader' ).addClass( this.loaderClass ); } } else { this.$overlay = this.$cachedOverlay.clone(); } this.$wrapper.append( this.$overlay ); } if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$cachedOverlay = this.$overlay.clone(); } return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this; if ( this.options.startShowing ) { _self.show(); } if ( this.$wrapper.is('body') || this.options.hideOnWindowLoad ) { $( window ).on( 'load error', function() { _self.hide(); }); } if ( this.options.listenOn ) { $( this.options.listenOn ) .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); }); } this.$wrapper .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); return true; } return false; }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); return true; } return false; }); return this; }, show: function() { this.build(); this.position = this.$wrapper.css( 'position' ).toLowerCase(); if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { this.$wrapper.css({ position: 'relative' }); } this.$wrapper.addClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); }, hide: function() { var _self = this; this.$wrapper.removeClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); setTimeout(function() { if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { _self.$wrapper.css({ position: '' }); } }, 500); }, matchProperties: function() { var i, l, properties; properties = [ 'backgroundColor', 'borderRadius' ]; l = properties.length; for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { var obj = {}; obj[ properties[ i ] ] = this.$wrapper.css( properties[ i ] ); $.extend( this.options.css, obj ); } }, getLoaderClass: function( backgroundColor ) { if ( !backgroundColor || backgroundColor === 'transparent' || backgroundColor === 'inherit' ) { return 'black'; } var hexColor, r, g, b, yiq; var colorToHex = function( color ){ var hex, rgb; if( color.indexOf('#') >- 1 ){ hex = color.replace('#', ''); } else { rgb = color.match(/\d+/g); hex = ('0' + parseInt(rgb[0], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2); } if ( hex.length === 3 ) { hex = hex + hex; } return hex; }; hexColor = colorToHex( backgroundColor ); r = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 0, 2), 16 ); g = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 2, 2), 16 ); b = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 4, 2), 16 ); yiq = ((r * 299) + (g * 587) + (b * 114)) / 1000; return ( yiq >= 128 ) ? 'black' : 'white'; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { LoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlay }); // expose as a jquery plugin $.fn.loadingOverlay = function( opts ) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $( this ); var loadingOverlay = $this.data( 'loadingOverlay' ); if ( loadingOverlay ) { return loadingOverlay; } else { var options = opts || $this.data( 'loading-overlay-options' ) || {}; return new LoadingOverlay( $this, options ); } }); } // auto init $('[data-loading-overlay]').loadingOverlay(); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Lock Screen (function($) { 'use strict'; var LockScreen = { initialize: function() { this.$body = $( 'body' ); this .build() .events(); }, build: function() { var lockHTML, userinfo; userinfo = this.getUserInfo(); this.lockHTML = this.buildTemplate( userinfo ); this.$lock = this.$body.children( '#LockScreenInline' ); this.$userPicture = this.$lock.find( '#LockUserPicture' ); this.$userName = this.$lock.find( '#LockUserName' ); this.$userEmail = this.$lock.find( '#LockUserEmail' ); return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this; this.$body.find( '[data-lock-screen="true"]' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.show(); }); return this; }, formEvents: function( $form ) { var _self = this; $form.on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.hide(); }); }, show: function() { var _self = this, userinfo = this.getUserInfo(); this.$userPicture.attr( 'src', userinfo.picture ); this.$userName.text( userinfo.username ); this.$userEmail.text( userinfo.email ); this.$body.addClass( 'show-lock-screen' ); $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: this.lockHTML, type: 'inline' }, modal: true, mainClass: 'mfp-lock-screen', callbacks: { change: function() { _self.formEvents( this.content.find( 'form' ) ); } } }); }, hide: function() { $.magnificPopup.close(); }, getUserInfo: function() { var $info, picture, name, email; // always search in case something is changed through ajax $info = $( '#userbox' ); picture = $info.find( '.profile-picture img' ).attr( 'data-lock-picture' ); name = $info.find( '.profile-info' ).attr( 'data-lock-name' ); email = $info.find( '.profile-info' ).attr( 'data-lock-email' ); return { picture: picture, username: name, email: email }; }, buildTemplate: function( userinfo ) { return [ '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', 'John Doe', '


', '


', '
', '
', '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '

', 'Not John Doe?', '

', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
' ] .join( '' ) .replace( /\{\{picture\}\}/, userinfo.picture ) .replace( /\{\{username\}\}/, userinfo.username ) .replace( /\{\{email\}\}/, userinfo.email ); } }; this.LockScreen = LockScreen; $(function() { LockScreen.initialize(); }); }).apply(this, [jQuery]); // Map Builder (function( theme, $ ) { 'use strict'; // prevent undefined var theme = theme || {}; // internal var to check if reached limit var timeouts = 0; // instance var instanceName = '__gmapbuilder'; // private var roundNumber = function( number, precision ) { if( precision < 0 ) { precision = 0; } else if( precision > 10 ) { precision = 10; } var a = [ 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000 ]; return Math.round( number * a[ precision ] ) / a[ precision ]; }; // definition var GMapBuilder = function( $wrapper, opts ) { return this.initialize( $wrapper, opts ); }; GMapBuilder.defaults = { mapSelector: '#gmap', markers: { modal: '#MarkerModal', list: '#MarkersList', removeAll: '#MarkerRemoveAll' }, previewModal: '#ModalPreview', getCodeModal: '#ModalGetCode', mapOptions: { center: { lat: -38.908133, lng: -13.692628 }, panControl: true, zoom: 3 } }; GMapBuilder.prototype = { markers: [], initialize: function( $wrapper, opts ) { this.$wrapper = $wrapper; this .setData() .setOptions( opts ) .setVars() .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$wrapper.data( instanceName, this ); return this; }, setOptions: function( opts ) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, GMapBuilder.defaults, opts ); return this; }, setVars: function() { this.$mapContainer = this.$wrapper.find( this.options.mapSelector ); this.$previewModal = $( this.options.previewModal ); this.$getCodeModal = $( this.options.getCodeModal ); this.marker = {}; this.marker.$modal = $( this.options.markers.modal ); this.marker.$form = this.marker.$modal.find( 'form' ); this.marker.$list = $( this.options.markers.list ); this.marker.$removeAll = $( this.options.markers.removeAll ); return this; }, build: function() { var _self = this; if ( !!window.SnazzyThemes ) { var themeOpts = []; $.each( window.SnazzyThemes, function( i, theme ) { themeOpts.push( $('').data( 'json', theme.json ) ); }); this.$wrapper.find( '[data-builder-field="maptheme"]' ).append( themeOpts ); } this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); google.maps.event.addDomListener( window, 'load', function() { _self.options.mapOptions.center = new google.maps.LatLng( _self.options.mapOptions.center.lat, _self.options.mapOptions.center.lng ); _self.map = new google.maps.Map( _self.$mapContainer.get(0), _self.options.mapOptions ); _self .updateControl( 'latlng' ) .updateControl( 'zoomlevel' ); _self.mapEvents(); }); return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this; this.$wrapper.find( '[data-builder-field]' ).each(function() { var $this = $( this ), field, value; field = $this.data( 'builder-field' ); $this.on( 'change', function() { if ( $this.is( 'select' ) ) { value = $this.children( 'option:selected' ).val().toLowerCase(); } else { value = $this.val().toLowerCase(); } _self.updateMap( field, value ); }); }); this.marker.$form.on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.saveMarker( _self.marker.$form.formToObject() ); }); this.marker.$removeAll.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.removeAllMarkers(); }); // preview events this.$previewModal.on( 'shown.bs.modal', function() { _self.preview(); }); this.$previewModal.on( 'hidden.bs.modal', function() { _self.$previewModal.find( 'iframe' ).get(0).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = ''; }); // get code events this.$getCodeModal.on( 'shown.bs.modal', function() { _self.getCode(); }); return this; }, // MAP FUNCTIONS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mapEvents: function() { var _self = this; google.maps.event.addDomListener( _self.map, 'resize', function() { google.maps.event.trigger( _self.map, 'resize' ); }); google.maps.event.addListener( this.map, 'center_changed', function() { var coords = _self.map.getCenter(); _self.updateControl( 'latlng', { lat: roundNumber( coords.lat(), 6 ), lng: roundNumber( coords.lng(), 6 ) }); }); google.maps.event.addListener( this.map, 'zoom_changed', function() { _self.updateControl( 'zoomlevel', _self.map.getZoom() ); }); google.maps.event.addListener( this.map, 'maptypeid_changed', function() { _self.updateControl( 'maptype', _self.map.getMapTypeId() ); }); return this; }, updateMap: function( prop, value ) { var updateFn; updateFn = this.updateMapProperty[ prop ]; if ( $.isFunction( updateFn ) ) { updateFn.apply( this, [ value ] ); } else { console.info( 'missing update function for', prop ); } return this; }, updateMapProperty: { latlng: function() { var lat, lng; lat = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="latitude"]').val(); lng = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="longitude"]').val(); if ( lat.length > 0 && lng.length > 0 ) { this.map.setCenter( new google.maps.LatLng( lat, lng ) ); } return this; }, zoomlevel: function( value ) { var value = arguments[ 0 ]; this.map.setZoom( parseInt( value, 10 ) ); return this; }, maptypecontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; if ( value === 'false' ){ options.mapTypeControl = false; } else { options = { mapTypeControl: true, mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle[ value.toUpperCase() ] } }; } this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, zoomcontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; if ( value === 'false' ){ options.zoomControl = false; } else { options = { zoomControl: true, zoomControlOptions: { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle[ value.toUpperCase() ] } }; } this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, scalecontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.scaleControl = value !== 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, streetviewcontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.streetViewControl = value !== 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, pancontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.panControl = value !== 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, overviewcontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; if ( value === 'false' ){ options.overviewMapControl = false; } else { options = { overviewMapControl: true, overviewMapControlOptions: { opened: value === 'opened' } }; } this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, draggablecontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.draggable = value !== 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, clicktozoomcontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.disableDoubleClickZoom = value === 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, scrollwheelcontrol: function( value ) { var options; options = {}; options.scrollwheel = value !== 'false'; this.map.setOptions( options ); return this; }, maptype: function( value ) { var options, mapStyles, mapType; mapStyles = this.$wrapper.find( '[data-builder-field="maptheme"]' ).children( 'option' ).filter( ':selected' ).data( 'json' ); mapType = google.maps.MapTypeId[ value.toUpperCase() ]; options = { mapTypeId: mapType }; if ( $.inArray( google.maps.MapTypeId[ value.toUpperCase() ], [ 'terrain', 'roadmap' ]) > -1 && !!mapStyles ) { options.styles = eval( mapStyles ); } else { options.styles = false; this.updateControl( 'maptheme' ); } this.map.setOptions( options ); }, maptheme: function( value ) { var json, mapType, options; mapType = google.maps.MapTypeId[ this.map.getMapTypeId() === 'terrain' ? 'TERRAIN' : 'ROADMAP' ]; options = {}; json = this.$wrapper.find( '[data-builder-field="maptheme"]' ).children( 'option' ).filter( ':selected' ).data( 'json' ); if ( !json ) { options = { mapTypeId: mapType, styles: false }; } else { options = { mapTypeId: mapType, styles: eval( json ) }; } this.map.setOptions( options ); } }, // CONTROLS FUNCTIONS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateControl: function( prop ) { var updateFn; updateFn = this.updateControlValue[ prop ]; if ( $.isFunction( updateFn ) ) { updateFn.apply( this ); } else { console.info( 'missing update function for', prop ); } return this; }, updateControlValue: { latlng: function() { var center = this.map.getCenter(); this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="latitude"]').val( roundNumber( center.lat() , 6 ) ); this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="longitude"]').val( roundNumber( center.lng() , 6 ) ); }, zoomlevel: function() { var $control, level; level = this.map.getZoom(); $control = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="zoomlevel"]'); $control .children( 'option[value="' + level + '"]' ) .prop( 'selected', true ); if ( $control.hasClass( 'select2-offscreen' ) ) { $control.select2( 'val', level ); } }, maptype: function() { var $control, mapType; mapType = this.map.getMapTypeId(); $control = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptype"]'); $control .children( 'option[value="' + mapType + '"]' ) .prop( 'selected', true ); if ( $control.hasClass( 'select2-offscreen' ) ) { $control.select2( 'val', mapType ); } }, maptheme: function() { var $control; $control = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptheme"]'); $control .children( 'option[value="false"]' ) .prop( 'selected', true ); if ( $control.hasClass( 'select2-offscreen' ) ) { $control.select2( 'val', 'false' ); } } }, // MARKERS FUNCTIONS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- editMarker: function( marker ) { this.currentMarker = marker; this.marker.$form .find( '#MarkerLocation' ).val( marker.location ); this.marker.$form .find( '#MarkerTitle' ).val( marker.title ); this.marker.$form .find( '#MarkerDescription' ).val( marker.description ); this.marker.$modal.modal( 'show' ); }, removeMarker: function( marker ) { var i; marker._instance.setMap( null ); marker._$html.remove(); for( i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++ ) { if ( marker === this.markers[ i ] ) { this.markers.splice( i, 1 ); break; } } if ( this.markers.length === 0 ) { this.marker.$list.addClass( 'hidden' ); } }, saveMarker: function( marker ) { this._geocode( marker ); }, removeAllMarkers: function() { var i = 0, l, marker; l = this.markers.length; for( ; i < l; i++ ) { marker = this.markers[ i ]; marker._instance.setMap( null ); marker._$html.remove(); } this.markers = []; this.marker.$list.addClass( 'hidden' ); }, _geocode: function( marker ) { var _self = this, status; this.geocoder.geocode({ address: marker.location }, function( response, status ) { _self._onGeocodeResult( marker, response, status ); }); }, _onGeocodeResult: function( marker, response, status ) { var result; if ( !response || status !== google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) { if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS ) { // show notification } else { timeouts++; if ( timeouts > 3 ) { // show notification reached limit of requests } } } else { timeouts = 0; if ( this.currentMarker ) { this.removeMarker( this.currentMarker ); this.currentMarker = null; } // grab first result of the list result = response[ 0 ]; // get lat & lng and set to marker marker.lat = Math.round( result.geometry.location.lat() * 1000000 ) / 1000000; marker.lng = Math.round( result.geometry.location.lng() * 1000000 ) / 1000000; var opts = { position: new google.maps.LatLng( marker.lat, marker.lng ), map: this.map }; if ( marker.title.length > 0 ) { opts.title = marker.title; } if ( marker.description.length > 0 ) { opts.desc = marker.description; } marker.position = opts.position; marker._instance = new google.maps.Marker( opts ); if ( !!marker.title || !!marker.description ) { this._bindMarkerClick( marker ); } this.markers.push( marker ); // append to markers list this._appendMarkerToList( marker ); // hide modal and reset form this.marker.$form.get(0).reset(); this.marker.$modal.modal( 'hide' ); } }, _appendMarkerToList: function( marker ) { var _self = this, html; html = [ '
  • ', '


    ', '', '', '', '
  • ' ].join(''); html = html.replace( /\{location\}/, !!marker.title ? marker.title : marker.location ); marker._$html = $( html ); // events marker._$html.find( '.location-center' ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { _self.map.setCenter( marker.position ); }); marker._$html.find( '.location-remove' ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.removeMarker( marker ); }); marker._$html.find( '.location-edit' ) .on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _self.editMarker( marker ); }); this.marker.$list .append( marker._$html ) .removeClass( 'hidden' ); }, _bindMarkerClick: function( marker ) { var _self = this, html; html = [ '
    ', '{title}', '{description}', '
    ' ].join(''); html = html.replace(/\{title\}/, !!marker.title ? ("

    " + marker.title + "

    ") : "" ); html = html.replace(/\{description\}/, !!marker.description ? ("

    " + marker.description + "

    ") : "" ); marker._infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: html }); google.maps.event.addListener( marker._instance, 'click', function() { if ( marker._infoWindow.isOpened ) { marker._infoWindow.close(); marker._infoWindow.isOpened = false; } else { marker._infoWindow.open( _self.map, this ); marker._infoWindow.isOpened = true; } }); }, preview: function() { var customScript, googleScript, iframe, previewHtml; previewHtml = [ '', '
    ' ]; iframe = this.$previewModal.find( 'iframe' ).get(0).contentWindow.document; iframe.body.innerHTML = previewHtml.join(''); customScript = iframe.createElement( 'script' ); customScript.type = 'text/javascript'; customScript.text = "window.initialize = function() { " + this.generate() + " init(); }; "; iframe.body.appendChild( customScript ); googleScript = iframe.createElement( 'script' ); googleScript.type = 'text/javascript'; googleScript.text = 'function loadScript() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=&sensor=&callback=initialize"; document.body.appendChild(script); } loadScript()'; iframe.body.appendChild( googleScript ); }, getCode: function() { this.$getCodeModal.find('.modal-body pre').html( this.generate().replace( //g, '>' ) ); }, // GENERATE CODE // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate: function() { var i, work; var output = [ ' google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", init);', ' var map;', ' function init() {', ' var mapOptions = {', ' center: new google.maps.LatLng({lat}, {lng}),', ' zoom: {zoom},', ' zoomControl: {zoomControl},', ' {zoomControlOptions}', ' disableDoubleClickZoom: {disableDoubleClickZoom},', ' mapTypeControl: {mapTypeControl},', ' {mapTypeControlOptions}', ' scaleControl: {scaleControl},', ' scrollwheel: {scrollwheel},', ' panControl: {panControl},', ' streetViewControl: {streetViewControl},', ' draggable : {draggable},', ' overviewMapControl: {overviewMapControl},', ' {overviewMapControlOptions}', ' mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.{mapTypeId}{styles}', ' };', '', ' var mapElement = document.getElementById("{mapid}");', ' var map = new google.maps.Map(mapElement, mapOptions);', ' {locations}', ' }' ]; output = output.join("\r\n"); var zoomControl = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="zoomcontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false'; var mapTypeControl = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptypecontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false'; var overviewMapControl = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="overviewcontrol"] option:selected').val().toLowerCase(); var $themeControl = this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptheme"] option:selected').filter( ':selected' ); output = output .replace( /\{mapid\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="mapid"]').val() ) .replace( /\{lat\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="latitude"]').val() ) .replace( /\{lng\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field][name="longitude"]').val() ) .replace( /\{zoom\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="zoomlevel"] option:selected').val() ) .replace( /\{zoomControl\}/, zoomControl ) .replace( /\{disableDoubleClickZoom\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="clicktozoomcontrol"] option:selected').val() === 'false' ) .replace( /\{mapTypeControl\}/, mapTypeControl ) .replace( /\{scaleControl\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="scalecontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{scrollwheel\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="scrollwheelcontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{panControl\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="pancontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{streetViewControl\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="streetviewcontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{draggable\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="draggablecontrol"] option:selected').val() !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{overviewMapControl\}/, overviewMapControl !== 'false' ) .replace( /\{mapTypeId\}/, this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptype"] option:selected').val().toUpperCase() ); if ( zoomControl ) { work = { zoomControlOptions: { style: this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptypecontrol"] option:selected').val().toUpperCase() } }; output = output.replace( /\{zoomControlOptions\}/, "zoomControlOptions: {\r\n style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle." + this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="zoomcontrol"] option:selected').val().toUpperCase() + "\r\n\ },"); } else { output = output.replace( /\{zoomControlOptions\}/, '' ); } if ( mapTypeControl ) { work = { zoomControlOptions: { style: this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptypecontrol"] option:selected').val().toUpperCase() } }; output = output.replace( /\{mapTypeControlOptions\}/, "mapTypeControlOptions: {\r\n style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle." + this.$wrapper.find('[data-builder-field="maptypecontrol"] option:selected').val().toUpperCase() + "\r\n\ },"); } else { output = output.replace( /\{mapTypeControlOptions\}/, '' ); } if ( overviewMapControl !== 'false' ) { output = output.replace( /\{overviewMapControlOptions\}/, "overviewMapControlOptions: {\r\n opened: " + (overviewMapControl === 'opened') + "\r\n\ },"); } else { output = output.replace( /\{overviewMapControlOptions\}/, '' ); } if ( $themeControl.val() !== 'false' ) { output = output.replace( /\{styles\}/, ',\r\n styles: ' + $themeControl.data( 'json' ).replace(/\r\n/g, '') ); } else { output = output.replace( /\{styles\}/, '' ); } if ( this.markers.length > 0 ) { var work = [ 'var locations = [' ]; var m, object; for( i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++ ) { m = this.markers[ i ]; object = ''; object += ' { lat: ' + m.lat + ', lng: ' + m.lng; if ( !!m.title ) { object += ', title: "' + m.title + '"'; } if ( !!m.description ) { object += ', description: "' + m.description + '"'; } object += ' }'; if ( i + 1 < this.markers.length ) { object += ','; } work.push( object ); } work.push( ' ];\r\n' ) work.push( ' var opts = {};' ) work.push( ' for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {' ); work.push( ' opts.position = new google.maps.LatLng( locations[ i ].lat, locations[ i ].lng );' ); work.push( ' opts.map = map;' ); work.push( ' if ( !!locations[ i ] .title ) { opts.title = locations[ i ].title; }'); work.push( ' if ( !!locations[ i ] .description ) { opts.description = locations[ i ].description; }'); work.push( ' marker = new google.maps.Marker( opts );' ); work.push( '' ); work.push( ' (function() {' ); work.push( ' var html = [' ); work.push( ' \'
    \',' ); work.push( ' \'{title}\',' ); work.push( ' \'{description}\',' ); work.push( ' \'
    \'' ); work.push( ' ].join(\'\');' ); work.push( '' ); work.push( ' html = html.replace(/\{title\}/, !!opts.title ? ("

    " + opts.title + "

    ") : "" );' ); work.push( ' html = html.replace(/\{description\}/, !!opts.description ? ("

    " + opts.description + "

    ") : "" );' ); work.push( ' var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: html });' ); work.push( ' google.maps.event.addListener( marker, \'click\', function() {' ); work.push( ' if ( infoWindow.isOpened ) {' ); work.push( ' infoWindow.close();' ); work.push( ' infoWindow.isOpened = false;' ); work.push( ' } else {' ); work.push( ' infoWindow.open( map, this );' ); work.push( ' infoWindow.isOpened = true;' ); work.push( ' }' ); work.push( ' });' ); work.push( ' })();' ) work.push( ' }'); output = output.replace( /\{locations\}/, work.join('\r\n') ); } else { output = output.replace( /\{locations\}/, '' ); } console.log( output ); return output; } }; // expose $.extend( true, theme, { Maps: { GMapBuilder: GMapBuilder } }); // jQuery plugin $.fn.themeGMapBuilder = function( opts ) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $( this ), instance; instance = $this.data( instanceName ); if ( instance ) { return instance; } else { return (new GMapBuilder( $this, opts )); } }); }; // auto initialize $(function() { $('[data-theme-gmap-builder]').each(function() { var $this = $( this ); window.builder = $this.themeGMapBuilder(); }); }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Markdown (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__markdownEditor'; var PluginMarkdownEditor = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMarkdownEditor.defaults = { iconlibrary: 'fa', buttons: [ [{ data: [{ icon: { fa: 'fa fa-bold' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-italic' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-heading' } }] }, { data: [{ icon: { fa: 'fa fa-link' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-image' } }] }, { data: [{ icon: { fa: 'fa fa-list' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-list-ol' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-code' } }, { icon: { fa: 'fa fa-quote-left' } } ] }, { data: [{ icon: { fa: 'fa fa-search' } }] }] ] }; PluginMarkdownEditor.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginMarkdownEditor.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.markdown( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMarkdownEditor: PluginMarkdownEditor }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMarkdownEditor = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMarkdownEditor($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Masked Input (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__maskedInput'; var PluginMaskedInput = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMaskedInput.defaults = { }; PluginMaskedInput.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginMaskedInput.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.mask( this.$el.data('input-mask'), this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMaskedInput: PluginMaskedInput }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMaskedInput = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMaskedInput($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // MaxLength (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__maxlength'; var PluginMaxLength = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMaxLength.defaults = { alwaysShow: true, placement: 'bottom-left', warningClass: 'badge badge-success bottom-left', limitReachedClass: 'badge badge-danger bottom-left' }; PluginMaxLength.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginMaxLength.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.maxlength( this.options ); this.$el.on('blur', function() { $('.bootstrap-maxlength').remove(); }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMaxLength: PluginMaxLength }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMaxLength = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMaxLength($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // MultiSelect (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__multiselect'; var PluginMultiSelect = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMultiSelect.defaults = { templates: { li: '
  • ', filter: '
    ' } }; PluginMultiSelect.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginMultiSelect.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.multiselect( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMultiSelect: PluginMultiSelect }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMultiSelect = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMultiSelect($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Notifications - Config (function($) { 'use strict'; // use font awesome icons if available if ( typeof PNotify != 'undefined' ) { PNotify.prototype.options.styling = "fontawesome"; $.extend(true, PNotify.prototype.options, { shadow: false, stack: { spacing1: 15, spacing2: 15 } }); $.extend(PNotify.styling.fontawesome, { // classes container: "notification", notice: "notification-warning", info: "notification-info", success: "notification-success", error: "notification-danger", // icons notice_icon: "fas fa-exclamation", info_icon: "fas fa-info", success_icon: "fas fa-check", error_icon: "fas fa-times" }); } }).apply(this, [jQuery]); // Portlets (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__portlet', storageOrderKey = '__portletOrder', storageStateKey = '__portletState'; var PluginPortlet = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginPortlet.defaults = { connectWith: '[data-plugin-portlet]', items: '[data-portlet-item]', handle: '.portlet-handler', opacity: 0.7, placeholder: 'portlet-placeholder', cancel: 'portlet-cancel', forcePlaceholderSize: true, forceHelperSize: true, tolerance: 'pointer', helper: 'original', revert: 200 }; PluginPortlet.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { var _self = this; this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginPortlet.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el, update: _self.onUpdate, create: _self.onLoad }); return this; }, onUpdate: function(event, ui) { var key = storageOrderKey, data = store.get(key), $this = $(this), porletId = $this.prop('id'); if (!data) { data = {}; } if (!!porletId) { data[porletId] = $this.sortable('toArray'); store.set(key, data); } }, onLoad: function(event, ui) { var key = storageOrderKey, data = store.get(key), $this = $(this), porletId = $this.prop('id'), portlet = $('#' + porletId); if (!!data) { var cards = data[porletId]; if (!!cards) { $.each(cards, function(index, panelId) { $('#' + panelId).appendTo(portlet); }); } } }, saveState: function( panel ) { var key = storageStateKey, data = store.get(key), panelId = panel.prop('id'); if (!data) { data = {}; } if (!panelId) { return this; } var collapse = panel.find('.card-actions').children('a.fa-caret-up, a.fa-caret-down'), isCollapsed = !!collapse.hasClass('fa-caret-up'), isRemoved = !panel.closest('body').get(0); if (isRemoved) { data[panelId] = 'removed'; } else if (isCollapsed) { data[panelId] = 'collapsed'; } else { delete data[panelId]; } store.set(key, data); return this; }, loadState: function() { var key = storageStateKey, data = store.get(key); if (!!data) { $.each(data, function(panelId, state) { var panel = $('#' + panelId); if (!panel.data('portlet-state-loaded')) { if (state == 'collapsed') { panel.find('.card-actions a.fa-caret-down').trigger('click'); } else if (state == 'removed') { panel.find('.card-actions a.fa-times').trigger('click'); } panel.data('portlet-state-loaded', true); } }); } return this; }, build: function() { var _self = this; if ( $.isFunction( $.fn.sortable ) ) { this.$el.sortable( this.options ); this.$el.find('[data-portlet-item]').each(function() { _self.events( $(this) ); }); } var portlet = this.$el; portlet.css('min-height', 150); return this; }, events: function($el) { var _self = this, portlet = $el.closest('[data-plugin-portlet]'); this.loadState(); $el.find('.card-actions').on( 'click', 'a.fa-caret-up, a.fa-caret-down, a.fa-times', function( e ) { setTimeout(function() { _self.saveState( $el ); }, 250); }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginPortlet: PluginPortlet }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginPortlet = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginPortlet($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Scroll to Top (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; $.extend(theme, { PluginScrollToTop: { defaults: { wrapper: $('body'), offset: 150, buttonClass: 'scroll-to-top', iconClass: 'fas fa-chevron-up', delay: 500, visibleMobile: false, label: false }, initialize: function(opts) { initialized = true; this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el; // Base HTML Markup $el = $('') .addClass(self.options.buttonClass) .attr({ 'href': '#', }) .append( $('') .addClass(self.options.iconClass) ); // Visible Mobile if (!self.options.visibleMobile) { $el.addClass('hidden-mobile'); } // Label if (self.options.label) { $el.append( $('').html(self.options.label) ); } this.options.wrapper.append($el); this.$el = $el; return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, _isScrolling = false; // Click Element Action self.$el.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, self.options.delay); return false; }); // Show/Hide Button on Window Scroll event. $(window).scroll(function() { if (!_isScrolling) { _isScrolling = true; if ($(window).scrollTop() > self.options.offset) { self.$el.stop(true, true).addClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false; } else { self.$el.stop(true, true).removeClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false; } } }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Scrollable (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__scrollable'; var PluginScrollable = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginScrollable.updateModals = function() { PluginScrollable.updateBootstrapModal(); }; PluginScrollable.updateBootstrapModal = function() { var updateBoostrapModal; updateBoostrapModal = typeof $.fn.modal !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus !== 'undefined'; if ( !updateBoostrapModal ) { return false; } var originalFocus = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus; $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { originalFocus.apply( this ); var $scrollable = this.$element.find('.scrollable'); if ( $scrollable ) { if ( $.isFunction($.fn['themePluginScrollable']) ) { $scrollable.themePluginScrollable(); } if ( $.isFunction($.fn['nanoScroller']) ) { $scrollable.nanoScroller(); } } }; }; PluginScrollable.defaults = { contentClass: 'scrollable-content', paneClass: 'scrollable-pane', sliderClass: 'scrollable-slider', alwaysVisible: true, preventPageScrolling: true }; PluginScrollable.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginScrollable.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { this.options.wrapper.nanoScroller(this.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginScrollable: PluginScrollable }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginScrollable = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginScrollable($this, opts); } }); }; $(function() { PluginScrollable.updateModals(); }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Select2 (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__select2'; var PluginSelect2 = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSelect2.defaults = { theme: 'bootstrap' }; PluginSelect2.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginSelect2.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.select2( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSelect2: PluginSelect2 }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSelect2 = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSelect2($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Slider (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__slider'; var PluginSlider = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSlider.defaults = { }; PluginSlider.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setVars() .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setVars: function() { var $output = $( this.$el.data('plugin-slider-output') ); this.$output = $output.get(0) ? $output : null; return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { var _self = this; this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginSlider.defaults, opts ); if ( this.$output ) { $.extend( this.options, { slide: function( event, ui ) { _self.onSlide( event, ui ); } }); } return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.slider( this.options ); return this; }, onSlide: function( event, ui ) { if ( !ui.values ) { this.$output.val( ui.value ); } else { this.$output.val( ui.values[ 0 ] + '/' + ui.values[ 1 ] ); } this.$output.trigger('change'); } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSlider: PluginSlider }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSlider = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSlider($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Spinner (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__spinner'; var PluginSpinner = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSpinner.defaults = { }; PluginSpinner.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginSpinner.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.spinner( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSpinner: PluginSpinner }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSpinner = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSpinner($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // SummerNote (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__summernote'; var PluginSummerNote = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSummerNote.defaults = { onfocus: function() { $( this ).closest( '.note-editor' ).addClass( 'active' ); }, onblur: function() { $( this ).closest( '.note-editor' ).removeClass( 'active' ); } }; PluginSummerNote.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginSummerNote.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.summernote( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSummerNote: PluginSummerNote }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSummerNote = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSummerNote($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // TextArea AutoSize (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; var instanceName = '__textareaAutosize'; var PluginTextAreaAutoSize = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginTextAreaAutoSize.defaults = { }; PluginTextAreaAutoSize.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginTextAreaAutoSize.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { autosize($(this.$el)); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginTextAreaAutoSize: PluginTextAreaAutoSize }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginTextAreaAutoSize = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginTextAreaAutoSize($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // TimePicker (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__timepicker'; var PluginTimePicker = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginTimePicker.defaults = { disableMousewheel: true, icons: { up: 'fas fa-chevron-up', down: 'fas fa-chevron-down' } }; PluginTimePicker.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, PluginTimePicker.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { this.$el.timepicker( this.options ); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginTimePicker: PluginTimePicker }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginTimePicker = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginTimePicker($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Toggle (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__toggle'; var PluginToggle = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginToggle.defaults = { duration: 350, isAccordion: false, addIcons: true }; PluginToggle.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginToggle.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $wrapper = this.options.wrapper, $items = $wrapper.find('.toggle'), $el = null; $items.each(function() { $el = $(this); if(self.options.addIcons) { $el.find('> label').prepend( $('').addClass('fas fa-plus'), $('').addClass('fas fa-minus') ); } if($el.hasClass('active')) { $el.find('> p').addClass('preview-active'); $el.find('> .toggle-content').slideDown(self.options.duration); } self.events($el); }); if(self.options.isAccordion) { self.options.duration = self.options.duration/2; } return this; }, events: function($el) { var self = this, previewParCurrentHeight = 0, previewParAnimateHeight = 0, toggleContent = null; $el.find('> label').click(function(e) { var $this = $(this), parentSection = $this.parent(), parentWrapper = $this.parents('.toggle'), previewPar = null, closeElement = null; if(self.options.isAccordion && typeof(e.originalEvent) != 'undefined') { closeElement = parentWrapper.find('.toggle.active > label'); if(closeElement[0] == $this[0]) { return; } } parentSection.toggleClass('active'); // Preview Paragraph if(parentSection.find('> p').get(0)) { previewPar = parentSection.find('> p'); previewParCurrentHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', 'auto'); previewParAnimateHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', previewParCurrentHeight); } // Content toggleContent = parentSection.find('> .toggle-content'); if(parentSection.hasClass('active')) { $(previewPar).animate({ height: previewParAnimateHeight }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).addClass('preview-active'); }); toggleContent.slideDown(self.options.duration, function() { if(closeElement) { closeElement.trigger('click'); } }); } else { $(previewPar).animate({ height: 0 }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).removeClass('preview-active'); }); toggleContent.slideUp(self.options.duration); } }); } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginToggle: PluginToggle }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginToggle = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginToggle($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Widget - Todo (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__widgetTodoList'; var WidgetTodoList = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; WidgetTodoList.defaults = { }; WidgetTodoList.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, WidgetTodoList.defaults, opts ); return this; }, check: function( input, label ) { if ( input.is(':checked') ) { label.addClass('line-through'); } else { label.removeClass('line-through'); } }, build: function() { var _self = this, $check = this.$el.find('.todo-check'); $check.each(function () { var label = $(this).closest('li').find('.todo-label'); _self.check( $(this), label ); }); return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this, $remove = this.$el.find( '.todo-remove' ), $check = this.$el.find('.todo-check'), $window = $( window ); $remove.on('click.widget-todo-list', function( ev ) { ev.preventDefault(); $(this).closest("li").remove(); }); $check.on('change', function () { var label = $(this).closest('li').find('.todo-label'); _self.check( $(this), label ); }); if ( $.isFunction( $.fn.sortable ) ) { this.$el.sortable({ sort: function(event, ui) { var top = event.pageY - _self.$el.offset().top - (ui.helper.outerHeight(true) / 2); ui.helper.css({'top' : top + 'px'}); } }); } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { WidgetTodoList: WidgetTodoList }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginWidgetTodoList = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new WidgetTodoList($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Widget - Toggle (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__widgetToggleExpand'; var WidgetToggleExpand = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; WidgetToggleExpand.defaults = { }; WidgetToggleExpand.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, WidgetToggleExpand.defaults, opts ); return this; }, build: function() { return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this, $toggler = this.$el.find( '.widget-toggle' ); $toggler.on('click.widget-toggler', function() { _self.$el.hasClass('widget-collapsed') ? _self.expand( _self.$el ) : _self.collapse( _self.$el ); }); return this; }, expand: function( content ) { content.children( '.widget-content-expanded' ).slideDown( 'fast', function() { $(this).css( 'display', '' ); content.removeClass( 'widget-collapsed' ); }); }, collapse: function( content ) { content.children('.widget-content-expanded' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() { content.addClass( 'widget-collapsed' ); $(this).css( 'display', '' ); }); } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { WidgetToggleExpand: WidgetToggleExpand }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginWidgetToggleExpand = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new WidgetToggleExpand($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Word Rotator (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__wordRotator'; var PluginWordRotator = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginWordRotator.defaults = { delay: 2000 }; PluginWordRotator.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginWordRotator.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var $el = this.options.wrapper, itemsWrapper = $el.find(".wort-rotator-items"), items = itemsWrapper.find("> span"), firstItem = items.eq(0), firstItemClone = firstItem.clone(), itemHeight = firstItem.height(), currentItem = 1, currentTop = 0; itemsWrapper.append(firstItemClone); $el .height(itemHeight) .addClass("active"); setInterval(function() { currentTop = (currentItem * itemHeight); itemsWrapper.animate({ top: -(currentTop) + "px" }, 300, function() { currentItem++; if(currentItem > items.length) { itemsWrapper.css("top", 0); currentItem = 1; } }); }, this.options.delay); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginWordRotator: PluginWordRotator }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginWordRotator = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginWordRotator($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Navigation (function($) { 'use strict'; var $items = $( '.nav-main li.nav-parent' ); function expand( $li ) { $li.children( 'ul.nav-children' ).slideDown( 'fast', function() { $li.addClass( 'nav-expanded' ); $(this).css( 'display', '' ); ensureVisible( $li ); }); } function collapse( $li ) { $li.children('ul.nav-children' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() { $(this).css( 'display', '' ); $li.removeClass( 'nav-expanded' ); }); } function ensureVisible( $li ) { var scroller = $li.offsetParent(); if ( !scroller.get(0) ) { return false; } var top = $li.position().top; if ( top < 0 ) { scroller.animate({ scrollTop: scroller.scrollTop() + top }, 'fast'); } } function buildSidebarNav( anchor, prev, next, ev ) { if ( anchor.prop('href') ) { var arrowWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(anchor.get(0), ':after').width, 10) || 0; if (ev.offsetX > anchor.get(0).offsetWidth - arrowWidth) { ev.preventDefault(); } } if ( prev.get( 0 ) !== next.get( 0 ) ) { collapse( prev ); expand( next ); } else { collapse( prev ); } } $items.find('> a').on('click', function( ev ) { var $html = $('html'), $window = $(window), $anchor = $( this ), $prev = $anchor.closest('ul.nav').find('> li.nav-expanded' ), $next = $anchor.closest('li'), $ev = ev; if( $anchor.attr('href') == '#' ) { ev.preventDefault(); } if( !$html.hasClass('sidebar-left-big-icons') ) { buildSidebarNav( $anchor, $prev, $next, $ev ); } else if( $html.hasClass('sidebar-left-big-icons') && $window.width() < 768 ) { buildSidebarNav( $anchor, $prev, $next, $ev ); } }); // Chrome Fix $.browser.chrome = /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if( $.browser.chrome && !$.browser.mobile ) { var flag = true; $('.sidebar-left .nav-main li a').on('click', function(){ flag = false; setTimeout(function(){ flag = true; }, 200); }); $('.nano').on('mouseenter', function(e){ $(this).addClass('hovered'); }); $('.nano').on('mouseleave', function(e){ if( flag ) { $(this).removeClass('hovered'); } }); } $('.nav-main a').filter(':not([href])').attr('href', '#'); }).apply(this, [jQuery]); // Skeleton (function(theme, $) { 'use strict'; theme = theme || {}; var $body = $( 'body' ), $html = $( 'html' ), $window = $( window ), isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') > -1, isIpad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null, updatingNanoScroll = false; // mobile devices with fixed has a lot of issues when focus inputs and others... if ( typeof $.browser !== 'undefined' && $.browser.mobile && $html.hasClass('fixed') ) { $html.removeClass( 'fixed' ).addClass( 'scroll' ); } var Skeleton = { options: { sidebars: { menu: '#content-menu', left: '#sidebar-left', right: '#sidebar-right' } }, customScroll: ( !Modernizr.overflowscrolling && !isAndroid && $.fn.nanoScroller !== 'undefined'), initialize: function() { this .setVars() .build() .events(); }, setVars: function() { this.sidebars = {}; this.sidebars.left = { $el: $( this.options.sidebars.left ) }; this.sidebars.right = { $el: $( this.options.sidebars.right ), isOpened: $html.hasClass( 'sidebar-right-opened' ) }; this.sidebars.menu = { $el: $( this.options.sidebars.menu ), isOpened: $html.hasClass( 'inner-menu-opened' ) }; return this; }, build: function() { if ( typeof $.browser !== 'undefined' && $.browser.mobile ) { $html.addClass( 'mobile-device' ); } else { $html.addClass( 'no-mobile-device' ); } $html.addClass( 'custom-scroll' ); if ( this.customScroll ) { this.buildSidebarLeft(); this.buildContentMenu(); } if( isIpad ) { this.fixIpad(); } this.buildSidebarRight(); return this; }, events: function() { if ( this.customScroll ) { this.eventsSidebarLeft(); 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