from html import escape from random import random from time import sleep from telegram.error import Unauthorized, TelegramError from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters from telegram import Message, Update import config from models import Subscriber queue = [] def go_away(bot, update: Update): # Subscriber(user_id=str(update.message.chat_id)) # update.message.reply_text('Вы были добавлены') update.message.reply_text('Пожалуйста, обратитесь к @lono_contactbot') def unsubscribe(bot, update: Update): Subscriber.deleteBy(user_id=str(update.message.chat_id)) update.message.reply_text('Вы были отписаны от бота. Обратитесь к @lono_contactbot за добавлением обратно.') def msg(bot, update: Update): queue.append(update.message) def task_queue(bot, job): if not queue: return m = queue.pop(0) current_chat = str(m.chat_id) uids = set(s.user_id for s in if current_chat not in uids: return m.reply_text('Пожалуйста, обратитесь к @lono_contactbot') # Subscriber(user_id=current_chat) # m.reply_text('Вы были добавлены') try: uids.remove(current_chat) except KeyError: pass for uid in uids: sleep(.02) try: if m.forward_from or m.forward_from_chat or m.forward_from_message_id or m.forward_signature: m.forward(f'{uid}') elif hasattr(m, 'audio') and a = bot.send_audio(f'{uid}', a.file_id, a.duration, a.performer, a.title, m.caption_html, parse_mode='html') elif hasattr(m, 'document') and m.document: d = m.document bot.send_document(f'{uid}', d.file_id, d.file_name, m.caption_html, parse_mode='html') elif hasattr(m, 'photo') and p = bot.send_photo(f'{uid}', p[-1].file_id, m.caption_html, parse_mode='html') elif hasattr(m, 'sticker') and m.sticker: s = m.sticker bot.send_sticker(f'{uid}', s.file_id) elif hasattr(m, 'video') and v = bot.send_video(f'{uid}', v.file_id, v.duration, m.caption_html, parse_mode='html') elif hasattr(m, 'voice') and m.voice: v = m.voice bot.send_voice(f'{uid}', v.file_id, v.duration, m.caption_html, parse_mode='html') elif hasattr(m, 'video_note') and m.video_note: vn = m.video_note bot.send_video_note(f'{uid}', vn.file_id, vn.duration, vn.length) elif hasattr(m, 'contact') and c = bot.send_contact(f'{uid}', c.phone_number, c.first_name, c.last_name) elif hasattr(m, 'location') and m.location: l = m.location bot.send_location(f'{uid}', l.latitude, l.longitude) elif hasattr(m, 'venue') and m.venue: v = m.venue bot.send_venue(f'{uid}', v.location.latitude, v.location.longitude, v.title, v.address, v.foursquare_id) elif hasattr(m, 'text') and m.text: txt = m.text_html if txt.startswith('!sign') or txt.startswith('/sign'): txt = txt[5:] + f'\n\n____________\n' \ f'by {escape(m.from_user.full_name)}' bot.send_message(f'{uid}', txt, 'html') except Unauthorized: Subscriber.deleteBy(user_id=uid) except TelegramError: pass updater = Updater(config.BOT_TOKEN, workers=4) updater.job_queue.run_repeating(task_queue, .04) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', go_away)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('stop', unsubscribe)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.all, msg)) if __name__ == '__main__': updater.start_polling() updater.idle()