121 lines
5.4 KiB
121 lines
5.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2011 Álvaro Justen [alvarojusten at gmail dot com]
# License: GPL <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
FONT_FILE = 'CenturyGothicBold.ttf'
BG = 'MORJ.png'
class ImageText(object):
def __init__(self, filename_or_size, mode='RGBA', background=(0, 0, 0, 0),
if isinstance(filename_or_size, str):
self.filename = filename_or_size
self.image = Image.open(self.filename)
self.size = self.image.size
elif isinstance(filename_or_size, (list, tuple)):
self.size = filename_or_size
self.image = Image.new(mode, self.size, color=background)
self.filename = None
self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
self.encoding = encoding
def save(self, filename=None):
self.image.save(filename or self.filename)
def get_font_size(self, text, font, max_width=None, max_height=None):
if max_width is None and max_height is None:
raise ValueError('You need to pass max_width or max_height')
font_size = 1
text_size = self.get_text_size(font, font_size, text)
if (max_width is not None and text_size[0] > max_width) or \
(max_height is not None and text_size[1] > max_height):
raise ValueError("Text can't be filled in only (%dpx, %dpx)" % text_size)
while True:
if (max_width is not None and text_size[0] >= max_width) or \
(max_height is not None and text_size[1] >= max_height):
return font_size - 1
font_size += 1
text_size = self.get_text_size(font, font_size, text)
def write_text(self, position, text, font_filename, font_size=11, color=(0, 0, 0), max_width=None, max_height=None):
x, y = position
if font_size == 'fill' and \
(max_width is not None or max_height is not None):
font_size = self.get_font_size(text, font_filename, max_width, max_height)
text_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, text)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_filename, font_size)
if x == 'center':
x = (self.size[0] - text_size[0]) / 2
if y == 'center':
y = (self.size[1] - text_size[1]) / 2
self.draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill=color)
return text_size
def get_text_size(self, font_filename, font_size, text):
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_filename, font_size)
return font.getsize(text)
def write_text_box(self, position, text, box_width, font_filename, font_size=11, color=(0, 0, 0), place='left',
x, y = position
lines = []
line = []
text_height = 0
text_lines = text.split('\n')
for text_line in text_lines:
words = text_line.split(' ')
for word in words:
new_line = ' '.join(line + [word])
size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, new_line)
text_height = size[1]
if size[0] <= box_width:
line = [word]
if line:
line = []
lines = [' '.join(line) for line in lines if line]
height = y
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
height += text_height
if place == 'left':
self.write_text((x, height), line, font_filename, font_size, color)
elif place == 'right':
total_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, line)
x_left = x + box_width - total_size[0]
self.write_text((x_left, height), line, font_filename, font_size, color)
elif place == 'center':
total_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, line)
x_left = int(x + ((box_width - total_size[0]) / 2))
self.write_text((x_left, height), line, font_filename, font_size, color)
elif place == 'justify':
words = line.split()
if (index == len(lines) - 1 and not justify_last_line) or len(words) == 1:
self.write_text((x, height), line, font_filename, font_size, color)
line_without_spaces = ''.join(words)
total_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, line_without_spaces)
space_width = (box_width - total_size[0]) / (len(words) - 1.0)
start_x = x
for word in words[:-1]:
self.write_text((start_x, height), word, font_filename, font_size, color)
word_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, word)
start_x += word_size[0] + space_width
last_word_size = self.get_text_size(font_filename, font_size, words[-1])
last_word_x = x + box_width - last_word_size[0]
self.write_text((last_word_x, height), words[-1], font_filename, font_size, color)
return box_width, height - y
def draw_morj(text, filename):
img = ImageText(BG)
img.write_text_box((67, 70), text, box_width=800, font_filename=FONT_FILE, font_size=40, color=(255, 255, 255))