import asyncio import redis.asyncio as aioredis import logging from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher from aiogram.types import Message from aiogram.utils import executor from e621 import E621 redis = aioredis.from_url('redis://localhost') e621 = E621() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) bot = Bot(token='450146961:AAFqwPcXuWXaYP8j8sE_rYgp_dAsk9YWf7I') dp = Dispatcher(bot) async def check_updates(): async with redis.lock('e621:update'): tag_list = [t.decode() for t in await redis.smembers('e621:subs')] tags = ' '.join(f'~{tag}' for tag in tag_list) posts = await e621.get_posts(tags) if not posts: return already_sent = await redis.smismember('e621:sent', [ for p in posts]) for i in range(len(posts)): if already_sent[i]: continue post = posts[i] monitored_tags = set(post.tags.flatten()) & set(tag_list) caption = f'Monitored tags: {" ".join(monitored_tags)}\n' \ f'Artist: {" ".join(post.tags.artist)}\n' \ f'Character: {" ".join(post.tags.character)}\n\n' \ f'{}' if post.file.ext == 'webm': await bot.send_video(98934915, post.file.url, width=post.file.width, height=post.file.height, thumb=post.preview.url, caption=caption) else: await bot.send_photo(98934915, post.file.url, caption=caption) await redis.sadd('e621:sent', @dp.message_handler(commands=['add']) async def add_tag(msg: Message): args = msg.get_args() if not args: await msg.reply('Please provide tag to subscribe to') return for tag in args.split(): await redis.sadd('e621:subs', tag) await msg.reply(f'Tags {args} added') @dp.message_handler(regexp=r'^\/del_\S+$') async def del_tag(msg: Message): args = msg.text[5:] if not args: await msg.reply('Please provide tag to subscribe to') return if ' ' in args: await msg.reply('Tag should not contain spaces') return if not await redis.sismember('e621:subs', args): await msg.reply('Tag not found') return await redis.srem('e621:subs', args) await msg.reply(f'Tag {msg} removed') @dp.message_handler(commands=['list']) async def list_tags(msg: Message): tags = [t.decode() for t in await redis.smembers('e621:subs')] lines = [] for tag in tags: lines.append(f'- {tag} [/del_{tag}]') lines = "\n".join(lines) await msg.reply(f'Monitored tags:\n\n{lines}') @dp.message_handler(commands=['update']) async def update(msg: Message): await check_updates() async def background_on_start(): while True: await check_updates() await asyncio.sleep(60) async def on_bot_startup(dp: Dispatcher): asyncio.create_task(background_on_start()) if __name__ == '__main__': executor.start_polling(dp, on_startup=on_bot_startup)